“El Patriota” de José Mor De Fuentes. Primera etapa (1812)


  • Alberto Gil-Novales Università Complutense di Madrid


“El Patriota” of José Mor de Fuentes. First Period (1812).

The essay, which is but a part of a wider research on the press during the War of Independence, studies the articles of the first thirteen issues of “El Patriota”, published in Madrid from October 3 to November 28, 1812, having as main editor the well-known poet and writer José Mor de Fuentes, who, besides having fought in the early period of the war against the French, had already started in 1809 the publication in Valencia of a paper with the same name, which only lasted five issues.

Biografia autore

  • Alberto Gil-Novales, Università Complutense di Madrid

    Alberto Gil-Novales insegna Storia contemporanea presso la Facoltà di Scienze dell’Informazione dell’Università Complutense di Madrid. Studioso del XIX secolo spagnolo e in particolare del Trienio liberal, vanta numerosissime pubblicazioni. Ha diretto e redatto, tra l’altro, il Diccionario Biográfico del Trienio Liberal (Madrid, Ed. El Museo Universal, 1991)



Come citare

“‘El Patriota’ de José Mor De Fuentes. Primera etapa (1812)”, Spagna contemporanea, no. 8, pp. 7–17, Dec. 1995, Accessed: Sep. 12, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://www.spagnacontemporanea.it/index.php/spacon/article/view/775