Introducción al 98


  • Alberto Gil-Novales Università Complutense di Madrid


Introducción al 98

The 1898 war began in Cuba and in the Philippine Islands, two colonies that declared for independence against the State, but not against Spanish civilisation. The imperialistic Yankee intervention provoked the Desastre, and after that a widespread pessimism, quite evident within the Regeneracionistas and the ’98 Generation. This was the name given to a group of writers who created a new language, and passed with that from social protest to aesthetics. Notwithstanding all its contradictions, the group remained loyal to the people during his most tremendous hour.

Biografia autore

  • Alberto Gil-Novales, Università Complutense di Madrid

    Alberto Gil-Novales, insegna Storia contemporanea presso la Facoltà di Scienze dell’Informazione dell’Università Complutense di Madrid. Studioso del XIX secolo spagnolo e in particolare del Trienio liberal, vanta numerosissime pubblicazioni. Ha diretto e redatto, tra l’altro, il Diccionario Biográfico del Trienio liberal (Madrid, 1991).



Come citare

“Introducción al 98”, Spagna contemporanea, no. 13, pp. 21–39, Jul. 1998, Accessed: Jul. 27, 2024. [Online]. Available: