El concepto y la idea de autonomía en el siglo XIX (Cataluña y País Vasco). Una aproximación


  • Coro Rubio Pobes Universidad del País Vasco


El concepto y la idea de autonomía en el siglo XIX (Cataluña y País Vasco). Una aproximación

The article’s aim is the study of the autonomía concept’s employ in the political language of Nineteenth Century’s Spain, identifying its various contents and investigating the autonomy’s ideas development through the political writings in Catalonia and in the Basque Country (books, tracts, newspapers). The study’s ultimate goal is to ascertain and emphasize the spread and prestige reached by such ideas in the period, wider and earlier than it was thought until now.

Biografia autore

  • Coro Rubio Pobes, Universidad del País Vasco

    Coro Rubio Pobes insegna Storia contemporanea alla Universidad del País Vasco. Nelle sue ricerche si è occupata costantemente della società basca, inda- gandone soprattutto la storia nel secolo XIX. Sull’argomento ha pubblicato numerosi saggi e articoli, e alcuni libri, dei quali il più recente è Fueros y Constitución: la lucha por el control del poder. País Vasco, 1808-1868 (Bilbao, 1997).



Come citare

“El concepto y la idea de autonomía en el siglo XIX (Cataluña y País Vasco). Una aproximación”, Spagna contemporanea, no. 17, pp. 7–27, Jul. 2000, Accessed: Sep. 12, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://www.spagnacontemporanea.it/index.php/spacon/article/view/606