L’antisemitismo spagnolo dalla Restaurazione borbonica al 1898


  • Alfonso Botti Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia


L’antisemitismo spagnolo dalla Restaurazione borbonica al 1898

The essay studies Spanish anti-Semitism in the period from Bourbon’s Restoration until the 1898 crisis, and is in fact a continuation of the one published in the journal’s previous issue. The Author deals on the Saphardi question in the works by Amador de los Ríos and Menéndez y Pelayo, on the repercussions of the Mortara affair, on Pompeyo Gener’s attitudes, giving also some outlines on the relationships between anti-Semitism and Basque nationalism. In a more analytical way are studied two novels by Pardo Bazán, Drumont’s success and that of his main imitator in that period. The last pages are devoted to the first steps of the theory of the Jewish-Masonic conspiracy, to the anti-Semitism in the Carlist circles, in those of the Catalan intégrisme and to the perception of the affaire Dreyfus beyond the Pyrenees. The still provisional conclusions do again emphasize the autochthonous nature of Spanish  anti-Semitism, that reveals the appearance of a dangerous domestic enemy, identified with the conversos, and stress the modern employ of anti-Semitism on the political level just by the circles and forces considered more reactionary.

Biografia autore

  • Alfonso Botti , Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia

    Alfonso Botti è professore ordinario di Storia con presso il Dipartimento di studi linguistici e culturali dell’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia condirettore di “Spagna contemporanea”. La sua bio-bibliografia è reperibile sul sito:    www.spagnacontemporanea.it/botti




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