Nello specchio della Cortina di ferro: l’immagine dell’Europa Orientale e dei comunisti nei film di guerra fredda spagnoli (e italiani)
Nello specchio della Cortina di ferro: l’immagine dell’Europa Orientale e dei comunisti nei film di guerra fredda spagnoli (e italiani)
During the Cold War the Spanish movie industry imported and adapted from the United States the pattern of the Cold War movie, in order to support the Francoist activities of anticommunist propaganda, used by the regime to avoid isolation and to find a new place in the post WWII international politics. Most of the Cold War movies, dubbed or domestically produced and openly supported by the regime, included a direct representation of the daily life beyond the Iron Curtain. Family drama, religious films and spy stories had a big part in the build- ing of the Spanish conventional image of the Eastern Europe communist dictatorship and offered to some Spanish directors and actors (most of them ancient Republicans or Falangists) a very curious opportunity to portray, under the com- munist mask, many aspects of the Spanish situation during the Fifties.
Copyright (c) 2000 Istituto di studi storici Gaetano Salvemini, Torino
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