Causas y primeros movimientos de la insurrección popular vallisoletana durante la Guerra de la Independencia


  • Ana Isabel Rodríguez Zurro


Causas y primeros movimientos de la insurrección popular vallisoletana durante la Guerra de la Independencia

The Spanish resistance movement during the Peninsular War was much larger than mere military actions or guerrilla warfare. Civil disobedience was an unquestionable fact.                                                                           The essay studies such popular spirit and action in Valladolid and its province, establishing the existence of a “guerrillero” celi working at least since june 1808 until the middle of 1812. The Author looks into the arrival of the first French corps under general Vedel in october 1807, the Valladolid events of May 31st and June lst, that may be seen as a revolt of the town leading figures through a controlled rigging of the populace. Following that we see the first guerrilla’s operations in Peñafiel, through its own intelligence and sabotaging network operating within the town, helped by the Intendant, the Magdalena’s parish priest, the Peñafiel’s alcaldes and many others, including Rosita and Nicolasa, general Kellermann and Dufresse’s mistresses.

Biografia autore

  • Ana Isabel Rodríguez Zurro

    Ana Isabel Rodríguez Zurro ha studiato Storia moderna e contemporanea all’Università di Valladolid, e sta attualmente lavorando alla tesi dottorale su Juntas Criminales Españolas durante la Guerra de la Independencia sotto la direzione di Celso Almuiña. Ha pubblicato diversi articoli sulla Guerra de la Independencia, utilizzando il ricco materiale archivistico conservato a Simancas. Insegna storia e geografia in una scuola superiore di Arévalo.



Come citare

“Causas y primeros movimientos de la insurrección popular vallisoletana durante la Guerra de la Independencia ”, Spagna contemporanea, no. 24, pp. 1–23, Dec. 2003, Accessed: Sep. 11, 2024. [Online]. Available: