De la supuesta estancia de Fernando Garrido en Florencia


  • Francisco Madrid


On the supposed stay of Fernando Garrido in Florence.

On the base of the rereading of the known documents lying in the Record Office of Florence, the author believes the presence in Florence, during the first months of the year 1864, of Fernando Garrido, one of the main apostles of the Socialist ideas in Spain, to be very uncertain. He then examines the connections that Garrido had with Bakunin and Mazzini and the articles he published in “La Nuova Europa”.



Come citare

“De la supuesta estancia de Fernando Garrido en Florencia”, Spagna contemporanea, no. 1, pp. 49–60, Jun. 1992, Accessed: Sep. 18, 2024. [Online]. Available: