El trienio liberal en Catalunya


  • Ramón Arnabat Mata Universitat Rovira i Virgili


El trienio liberal en Catalunya (1820-1823)

The Trienio Liberal (1820-1823) is a key-period within the long process of the Old Régime’s crisis and of the bourgeois revolution in Spain. During the Trienio the two fields of revolution and           counter-revolution shall become defined, and within the former the other two of the moderado and exaltado liberalism, which will confront each other during the XIX Century. Catalonia shall have a decisive importance both in the constitutional régime’s growth, becoming one of its main bulwarks with the Milicia Voluntaria, and in the counter-revolutionary’s with the development of royalist guerrillas.

Biografia autore

  • Ramón Arnabat Mata, Universitat Rovira i Virgili

    Ramón Arnabat Mata si è addottorato in storia presso la Universidad Pompeu Fabra di Barcellona. Studioso della società spagnola del XIX secolo, e specialmente del periodo della crisi dell’ancien régime e della rivoluzione borghese in Catalogna, ha pubblicato numerosi articoli su questi temi in diverse riviste. Tra le sue pubblicazioni più recenti citiamo Liberals i reialistes. El Trienni liberal al Penedès (1820-1823), Lleida, 1997 e La revolució de 1820 i el Trienni Liberal a Catalunya, Vic, 2001.

