I giornali falangisti per la gioventù nel dopoguerra


  • Lucía Ballesteros Aguayo Universidad de Málaga

Parole chiave:

Fascism, Franco’s regime, Spanish post-war, propaganda


Falangist journalists for post-war youth

The present work belongs to a new branch of study worldwide upon the analysis of Franco’s newspapers related to the Falange political movement and destined to the youth. Thus it helps to fill a void in the scientific literature on this argument and puts the bases for later scientific contributions. The article emphasises the process according to which the journalistic paradigm for the young was configured around the Falange’s newspapers inside the National Movement, at the same time that it reveals new issues above the ideological model in the earlier years during the Franco’s regime transmitted through the press.

Received: 24-12-2017

Admitted: 23-05-2018

Biografia autore

  • Lucía Ballesteros Aguayo, Universidad de Málaga

    Lucía Ballesteros Aguayo è dottoressa in Giornalismo e laureata in Giornalismo e Pubblicità. Attualmente è ricercatrice dell’Università di Malaga (Spagna). Partecipa a forum internazionali sul ruolo della stampa nei regimi totalitari durante il periodo delle due guerre e ha collaborato con diversi organismi internazionali.




Come citare

“I giornali falangisti per la gioventù nel dopoguerra”, Spagna contemporanea, no. 53, pp. 85–100, Aug. 2018, Accessed: Sep. 19, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://www.spagnacontemporanea.it/index.php/spacon/article/view/117