A la búsqueda de los orígenes literario-culturales de Gonzalo Torrente Ballestrer (1927-1941)


  • Luis de Llera


Researching the literary and cultural origins of Gonzalo Torrente Ballestrer (1927-1941).

We tried to present the literary formation of the novelist, from his avantguard origins to his later magical realism during the Forties. Its a work indispensable for the comprehension of his following extensive production. Biographical data define his political position and partially explain his future transformation.



Come citare

L. . de Llera, «A la búsqueda de los orígenes literario-culturales de Gonzalo Torrente Ballestrer (1927-1941)», Spagna contemporanea, n. 2, pagg. 79-93, dic. 1992.